

With a series of targeted steps, we help current and future leaders find the way to their hearts (to themselves) and to the hearts of their people. We break old and misleading principles and beliefs about working with people. We do not seek large organizational changes, but small steps by which each leader begins to slowly change the rules of the game and operation. Even small changes in leaders' behavior can change the culture of the entire organization. Leadership programs take place directly at your workplace, at regular times, and are part of the regular life of the organization. 


From manager to leader


  • Systematic annual program for management (meetings once a month). 

  • It consists of 12 meetings focusing on 12 different topics (eg. authenticity, trust, relationship building, key people, …).  

  • The focus of each meeting is exclusively people (hearts), not numbers and indicators.  

  • Each meeting is a combination of activity, explanation of the principle behind it, comparison of what we live in the organization today and how we do it.  

  • The coach asks the right questions and lets the group answer them themselves.  

  • The result of each meeting is a change of attitude, a new habit, a new routine.  


What will you gain?  

Real leaders who…  ​

  • have a clear vision and know how to turn it into action,  

  • can gain trust, 

  • make the space for talents of each employee,  

  • create an environment where people come first, 

  • know how to overcome obstacles in themselves and thus overcome obstacles elsewhere. 


From specialist to manager


  • Long-term program for potential and "fresh" managers.  

  • Helps to understand the difference between the role of a specialist and a manager.  

  • Enhances identification with the role of the manager - directly at the workplace.  

  • Focuses on the acquisition and consolidation of basic managerial skills.  

  • Includes 3-4 thematically focused modules (eg. delegation, managerial interviews, trust, feedback, ...)  

  • The result of each module is new knowledge, discovery of own authentic leadership style and understanding of how others think and act.  

What will you gain? 

Managers who… 

  • have at their disposal series of tools for managing people, 
  • are aware of their leadership style in accordance with their own personality, 
  • are open to building mutual trust between them and employees, 
  • know that only systematic work on their development will make them leaders and inspire others,
  • are ready to take on a new managerial role because they know what awaits them.



From individual to team 


  • Systematic program for management teams (top management, middle management).
  • The topic of each management meeting is exclusively team and teamwork, not departments, projects, goals. 
  • Teamwork among managers significantly promotes creativity, the use of complementary skills, knowledge and mutual learning. 
  • The meeting takes place through a combination of activities aimed at strengthening trust and a sense of belonging, explaining their importance and comparing what we live in the organization today. 
  • It consists of 6 meetings focused on 6 different topics (eg. cooperation, mutual learning, joint problem solving, …). 
  • The coach asks the right questions and lets the group answer them themselves. 
  • The result of each meeting is an enhanced sense of team spirit and team reinforcement


What will you gain? 

Managers who ... 

  • feel part of a large whole and perceive a higher sense of functioning of the organization, 
  • feel that they are not alone but have the support, help, respect, trust in their colleagues, 
  • can ask for help whenever they need it, 
  • are one team, one whole, one organization, one heart, 
  • are an inspiration for other employees in the organization.

Do you want to know more about our activities?

Register your email and we will regularly inform you about what we are up to, our new projects and activities.

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