
Open courses

We offer an easy access to trainings and courses to anyone who wants to work on their personal development and improve their skills, broaden their horizons, meet new and interesting people and discuss their problems and questions with professionals. Our public courses are led by excellent lecturers and trainers from the business environment and focus on current topics.


  • Long-term online interactive training program, focused on the development of the most important skills in work and personal life. 

  • The program takes place in the evening 

  • It consists of several separate modules: Trust Yourself, Express Yourself, Overcome Obstacles 

  • Each of the modules consists of several workshops, each workshop is aimed at different topic 

  • It is possible to complete the whole module or participate in only some of the workshops 

  • After completing each module, you will receive a certificate of completion 


What will you gain? 

  • involvement in experiential learning, through activities and under the supervision of experienced trainers 

  • your place in a community (you will meet people from different areas, with different experiences, you will help each other grow) 

  • access to topics that have been available so far, mainly in the framework of intra-company training and development 

  • tools for coping with difficult situations in everyday and working life 

  • higher satisfaction with yourself, your life 

  • the feeling that you can influence and change things in yourself and slowly things around you will start to change as well 

  • increased value on the labor market 



Online workshops 

  • 3-hour online meetings focusing on current topics 

  • meetings are interactive, dynamic, based on the latest knowledge and focus on the most important theses 


Popular topics include: 

  • How to maintain energy throughout the working day, 

  • Me and my time, 

  • How to avoid misunderstandings in communication, 

  • Communication with a demanding client, 

  • Presentation skills, 

  • How to handle the load, 

  • Supporting parents on home-office, 

  • Life is a change, 

  • A brave person is a person who grows, 

  • Smore or less seriously about mental health, 

  • How to choose what to trust today. 


What will you gain? 

  • involvement in experiential learning, through activities and under the supervision of experienced trainers 

  • new experience, new contacts, new knowledge 

  • answers to your questions about the topic 

  • good feeling about your own progress and personal development 

  • increased value on the labor market 


Courses for HR specialists 

  • as specialists in the field of human resources management, we want to share our experience, the latest knowledge and practical skills 

  • we regularly organize trainings focused on the development of important HR skills 


Employee selection training 

  • Candidate profile - how to compile it 

  • Basic principles of successful selection 

  • Communication skills needed to conduct the interview 

  • Self-control 

  • STAR method training 

  • Active training of selection interviews 

  • Other selection methods 


Employee training and development 

  • Quality analysis of development needs 

  • Training and development plans 

  • Measuring the effect of training and development 

  • Implementation of the training and development plans 

  • Forms of development and suitability for their use 

  • Building an internal training and development system 

  • Management development 

  • Current trends in training and development 


What will you gain? 

  • Overview of current trends and methods 
  • Find out how other organizations are doing, what works for them and what doesn't 
  • Practical skills, immediately usable in practice 
  • Contacts with colleagues in HR from other companies 

Do you want to know more about our activities?

Register your email and we will regularly inform you about what we are up to, our new projects and activities.

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