Feedback from various categories of employees: self-evaluation, subordinates, colleagues, superior, or internal and external customers. It is in a form of an online questionnaire.
We have a fully automated secure software system.
We guarantee 100% anonymity.
At the introductory meeting with the client, we will define the areas of feedback, select questions, evaluators and agree on information campaign. This is followed by pilot testing and possible modification of the questionnaire.
We will send a personalized link to the online questionnaire via e-mail to all evaluators. They can start to fill in the questionnaires right after clicking on it.
Our questionnaire was developed in cooperation with Dr. Oscar Mink, a professor at the University of Texas, and is based on the ExECS (Executive Excellence Career System) model.
The result is a final report for each evaluated manager, which contains clear assessment of individual competencies, all the questions and open statements.
During individual feedback, the manager, together with the coach, prepares own development plan.
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The most frequently evaluated competencies
Managers who have a realistic self-image and are aware of their strengths and weaknesses, which is important in their further development.
Increased motivation and commitment of managers to work on themselves and their development.
Targeted investment in the development of managers with regard to their individual needs.
Capable managers who competently perform their work and increase the competitiveness of the entire organization.
Increased engagement of employees who feel that their voice counts as well.
Culture in the organization with an emphasis on open communication and regular feedback.
Better working environment, increased productivity, reduced turnover.
Register your email and we will regularly inform you about what we are up to, our new projects and activities.
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