24-hour measurement of heart rate variability (HRV)
Cardiac activity is controlled by the autonomic nervous system, which is beyond our conscious control.
We can objectively derive physical and mental stress from the measured data.
We measure the level of energy in individual activities during the day, the stress index and the level of internal tension, the ability to regenerate, the performance index and the quality of sleep.
The result is a final report that clearly describes own resources, strengths, innate talents and development potential of the participants.
It is suitable as a standalone product or as part of coaching, training or Development Center.
What will you gain?
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Measures the participant's emotional reactions to the presented stimulus, topic, in real time during the interview.
It can convey to us the personal desires and motives of the participant, but also what experiences our participant has gained during her life and how they have strengthened or weakened her.
The topics of the interview are focused on specific competencies that we want to measure with this tool, such as internal motivation, overcoming obstacles, consistency, personal effectiveness, influencing others, teamwork, ...)
The result is a profile that includes a clear assessment of the agreed competencies, but also the expected emotional reactions of the participant in various situations (energetic vs. stressful, emotional vs. logical, passionate vs. thoughtful, focused vs. restless).
It is suitable as a separate product, e.g. when selecting an employee for a given position, or as part of coaching, Assessment or Development Center.
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What will you gain?
A method that captures automatic subconscious associations.
Measuring the speed of reaction time does not require people to look back and think about their reactions.
It allows us to identify motivators behind decision-making, analyze attitudes, determine satisfaction.
Accelerates time to complete questionnaires because fewer questions are needed to reveal people's attitudes and behaviors.
It is suitable as a stand-alone product in various surveys or as part of an Assessment or Development Center.
What will you gain?
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